First time mom

Unexpected Birth

I wish I could tell you that the idea for designing and sending a breast pump bag to the market was an easy one, but it actually came at one of the hardest points of my life. Cue the difficult birth of my baby girl, and surprising twist in my feeding journey.

It wasn't just the 28-hour labor or the unexpected c-section that did me in, it was purely that becoming a new mom was one of the most traumatic events I had ever gone through. On top of that, my hormones were adjusting, 7 layers tissue were cut through, and my milk starting to come in (boobs = rocks at this point). I was unsure about what my feeding journey would look like...and I remembered that at some point, I spoke with the hospital LC and we coined around the term "Exclusive Pumping". I had never really heard of it and didn't actually know how to get going or what it would take to continue my feeding journey.

exclusively pumping

Learning as I Went

I dove right in to learning about Exclusive Pumping and about 2 weeks in, I randomly met another mom who was an exclusive pumper and invited me to her Facebook Community for exclusively pumping moms. I purchased 2 new breast pumps to accompany me on my breastfeeding journey; Up until this point I was borrowing a breast pump from a family member.

Many tears and a rocky road got me started and I don't even remember how or why I held on to this style of feeding. Fast forward 2 months and I am starting to prepare for the end of maternity leave, at this point when we left the house I was storing all breast pump parts in a gallon bag and throwing it in my diaper bag. Eventually it dawned on me that I needed to find a bag that could fit all of this plus some if I ever wanted to continue breastfeeding while returning to paid work full-time.

The search begins & a niche is found

Breast Pump Bags

I looked and looked for a breast pump bag that could fit my needs as a new mom while also fitting in my budget. There was nothing on the market in a relatively affordable price range that was a vegan leather type bag. I remember thinking well, if I can't find one, I can make one?

8 iterations and almost 2 years later, the idea I once had is now a reality that I can share with other moms (by God's love and grace). I trialed and tested this breast pump bag through my entire 24 month breastfeeding journey until I thought that it was perfected. Mombru is so much more than just a breast pump bag brand - its a brand that supports you on your feeding journey, whatever that might look like for you and your family. Whether it includes a bottle or a breast, or both like in my case, you are welcome here!

To your feeding journey and beyond

